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People of IP: Paula de Andrés Gómez

Nov 21, 2022

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    Paula de Andrés Gómez

    Paula is an IP expert focused on protecting the results of creative work. With over a decade of experience related to design rights, she is a seasoned and versatile professional who specializes in design and brand protection. Paula understands the business objectives of industrial design and the designer’s standpoint.

    A Finnish magazine IPRinfo publishes a series of articles introducing the field of IP rights in Finland including its people. In the articles the experts working with IP rights answer a set of predetermined questions in their own words.

    "Introducing: Paula de Andrés Gómez, European Design Attorney, translator, interpreter"

    How did you end up working with IP rights and in your current position?

    I ended up working in the industry by chance. After an Erasmus student exchange at the University of Helsinki I returned to Spain and graduated with a Master’s degree in translation and interpreting. After that I started actively searching for work, first from Spain and then from Finland. I got a fixed-term employment contract in a small patent office where I got acquainted with the world of IP. The size of the company was just right for me, I was able to slowly work on my Finnish, learn to use the database in Swedish and even pronounce “utility model” (hyödyllisyysmalli)!

    When the contract ended, I began working at Berggren Oy, where my expertise in the field of IP continued first with trademarks and then design rights. Design rights are a subject close to my heart, as I have designer friends whose career I have followed over the years. Creating original products is laborious, time consuming and the competition is tough. I understand the designers’ points of view and the business objectives of industrial design, which is why it is important that designers and companies obtain the rights to the results of their own creative work. I help our clients to strengthen their business and immaterial property rights is an important aspect of that.

    Most memorable experience/memory/event during your IP career?

    The most memorable moment from my career was opening a new Berggren office in Alicante, Spain. Our new office is in the same city as EUIPO which enables closer relationship with EUIPO. I’m still responsible for my clients’ portfolios but I also handle Berggren’s international relationships alongside with my colleagues from our International Business team. As part of Berggren’s Legal, Brands & Designs department and in co-operation with our patent department we offer a wide range of services for intellectual property rights from protection to implementation and commercialization in the EU and worldwide. We also offer other various other legal services. The quality and services of Berggren remain as they were, but now instead of looking at Helsinki from the office windows I can see the sea and palm trees.

    What would you change in the field of IP?

    There are different scopes of protection for various forms of protection, and they exist for a reason. Design rights are excellent and strong forms of protection if you want to protect the visual characteristics. Despite this, design rights are not at the same level as trademarks and patents. There is still a lot of work to be done.

    Compliment to a colleague:

    Having worked at Berggren over 20 years, there have been many colleagues that deserve compliments, and I am grateful to every one of them. It is these colleagues that make Berggren such an amazing work environment.

    If I had to choose a few, I would like to mention Milla Lehtoranta, who is an excellent colleague and a close friend. She has been a pillar of support for me during challenging times and a mentor during my IP career. I would also like to compliment my superior Soile Järvenpää, whose support and inspiration has been invaluable. Soile’s has extensive experience that a short call will provide both answers to questions and other valuable information.

    How do you spend your free time?

    As a single mother, most of my time I spend with my 5-year-old son. We are both social and enjoy doing things together, trips and such. When he is a little older, I would like to travel abroad with him and also get to know those parts of Spain that I still haven’t seen, having lived in Finland for 24 years.

    After moving to Alicante, I start my day by going to the beach to watch the sunrise and look for various kinds of seashells. It is an important start of my workday.

    An interesting fact about you that others don’t know about

    If I wasn’t working in IP, I would be a therapist. I have an interest especially in essential oils and energy therapies. There are a lot of interesting courses and good books on the subject that I will at some point go through.

    Photos: Paula de Andrés Gómez archives

    This article was published originally in IPR-info a magazine specialized in immaterial rights that covers expertly and comprehensively the various aspects of the IP field. IPRinfo is the only publisher in Finland that focuses on immaterial rights. The magazine’s articles cover questions concerning intellectual property, book reviews, conference news and interviews. The magazine is edited by IPR University Center.

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