Our UPC Representatives
Deep and Broad Experience
Our UPC team is made up of seasoned professional with extensive experience before the courts as well as the European Patent Office's opposition divisions and Boards of Appeal. With both the legal and technical expertise necessary for success before the Unified Patent Court, your case is in safe hands.

Seppo Kilpeläinen
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- seppo.kilpelainen@berggren.fi
+358 40 588 9852
+358 10 227 2648
Michael Braun
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Trademark and Design Attorney
- michael.braun@berggren.fi
+358 45 7820 3003
+358 10 227 2121
Jussi Nervola
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- jussi.nervola@berggren.fi
+358 400 669 475
+358 10 227 2203

Timo Pitkänen
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, EU Design Attorney
- timo.pitkanen@berggren.fi
+358 40 772 7401
+358 10 227 2346

Jorma Vanhala
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- jorma.vanhala@berggren.fi
+358 40 849 2333
+358 10 227 2103

Jukka Kantanen
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- jukka.kantanen@berggren.fi
+358 50 527 9465
+358 10 227 2008

Sebastian Greding
German and European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, European Trademark and Design Attorney
- sebastian.greding@berggrengroup.de
+49 / (0)89 / 44 370 370 – 0

Mika Laajalahti
VP of Berggren Patents, European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- mika.laajalahti@berggren.fi
+358 40 705 0976
+358 10 227 2264

Pirta Tiiro
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- pirta.tiiro@berggren.fi
+358 45 788 14174
+358 10 227 2286

Ari Lakaniemi
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- ari.lakaniemi@berggren.fi
+358 50 483 7698
+358 10 227 2206

Antti Leinonen
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- antti.leinonen@berggren.fi
+358 50 492 9524
+358 10 227 2344

Markku Kiviluoma
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- markku.kiviluoma@berggren.fi
+358 50 522 3579
+358 10 227 2235

Joni Mikkola
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Team Leader
- joni.mikkola@berggren.fi
+358 40 841 1655
+358 10 227 2304

Eero Palmgren
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Team Leader
- eero.palmgren@berggren.fi
+358 10 227 2619

Robert Alderson
International Client Relations, US and European Patent Attorney
- robert.alderson@berggren.fi
+39 347 493 0483
+358 10 227 2000

Michael Nielsen
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Patent Attorney (UK)
- michael.nielsen@berggren.fi
+358 50 574 4702
+358 10 227 2367

Sakari Värilä
VP of International Business, European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator
- sakari.varila@berggren.fi
+358 40 838 5447
+358 10 227 2381

Arttu Ahava
Lawyer, European Trademark and Design Attorney
- arttu.ahava@berggren.fi
+358 40 538 9654
+358 10 227 2390

Suvi Julin
Lawyer, Patent Attorney, European Trademark and Design Attorney
- suvi.julin@berggren.fi
+358 43 824 8789
+358 10 227 2115

Outi Virtaharju
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Team Leader
- outi.virtaharju@berggren.fi
+358 10 227 2337