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Berggren update to coronavirus / COVID-19



    Olemme kansainvälinen täyden palvelun IPR- ja lakitoimisto. Suojaamme, kaupallistamme ja puolustamme asiakkaidemme immateriaalioikeuksia, minkä lisäksi tuemme asiakkaitamme kattavasti heidän jokapäiväisissä lakiasioissaan; sopimuksista tietosuojaan, markkinointioikeuteen, julkisiin hankintoihin ja oikeudenkäynteihin.

    In response to the risk posed by Coronavirus, please see below details of our Business Continuity Plan.

    • Berggren is fully operative and we are able to provide professional services to our clients and colleagues as usual.
    • Berggren works completely electronically and all our employees are able to access these systems remotely.
    • We operate a complete online backup infrastructure, where servers and the portal are externally managed, if the network is disrupted.
    • Berggren has also taken the necessary precautions to prevent further spread of the virus:
      • We have cancelled business trips for time being
      • We have cancelled seminars and limited client meetings in Berggren offices
    • We continuously follow the official information from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, and have the readiness to act based on their advice.

    We are taking every measure to avoid infection by the virus so that we could continue our operation without any disruption even during this difficult period of time.

    Pysy ajan tasalla IPR-uutisista

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