Patent monitoring
Patent monitoring can ensure the preservation of the exclusive right of one's own patent and prevent potential patent infringements.
Detecting IP infringements requires active monitoring of your own IP rights and capabilities to defend them. When your company has invested in intellectual property rights, it is beneficial to monitor and utilize them. If your company's intellectual property rights are infringed, the law is on your side.
We offer your company tailored patent monitoring if your company does not have its own resources for this. We professionally conduct competitor monitoring using selected criteria, such as a competitor's protection form, technology, or geographical scope. As a result, valuable information is generated, helping you minimize IP risks and track competitor trends.
Various tools and services can be used for patent monitoring, such as patent databases and specialized tracking services. These can monitor specific keywords, technologies, or competitors and provide notifications when new relevant patent applications or patents are published.
Our experts have extensive and diverse experience in evaluating patent publications in different technology areas from a business perspective. Our service is based on a highly developed operational model.

Anssi Mäki
European Patent Attorney, Team Leader
+358 45 7881 4176
+358 10 227 2388
Client Benefits
- Market awareness: Patent monitoring helps companies stay up-to-date on what competitors are doing and the direction the market is heading.
- Proactive action: Monitoring enables a company or inventor to anticipate potential patent infringements and take action before the problem becomes significant.
- Strategic planning: Patent monitoring allows companies to better plan their future research and development, knowing what is happening in their field and avoiding duplications.
- Licensing opportunities: Monitoring can disclose opportunities to license out your own patents or acquire licenses from other entities.
- Dispute prevention: By timely detecting potential conflicts with other patents, expensive and time-consuming litigation can be avoided.
How can we help?
If you have any questions or would like to give feedback, our team is ready to help!
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