Selling IP
We help you understand the true value of your intellectual property rights and how they can be best utilized.
We handle the entire sales process by analyzing the patents for sale, finding suitable buyers, managing contacts and sales negotiations including materials, and drafting a comprehensive sales agreement.
- Income for the company: Managing the sales process comprehensively can bring significant income to your company. We focus on finding potential buyers for your patents and ensure that sales negotiations progress favorably, which can lead to deals and increased revenue.
- Maximizing the benefit of IPR investments: Managing patents can be expensive and time-consuming. Our services help ensure that your investments in patents yield maximum benefits.
Understanding the quality and value of patents: We work to understand the quality and value of patents. This helps you make informed decisions when reassessing your patents or managing a strategic portfolio, for example.
- Knowledge for portfolio management and decision-making: We provide you with valuable information for managing your patents. This helps you make strategic decisions about selling patents

Mika Lehtinen
VP of Berggren Brokerage, IP Consulting, Patent Attorney
+358 50 518 1816
+358 10 227 2333
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